“but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord .” Joshua 24:15 KJV
In a land ruled by fear of the dead members of one’s own family, one of the first tasks of the missionary is to help establish Christian homes. Erin has a passion for helping families along the journey of becoming more Christ-like day by day. Conversion to the Lordship of Christ is just the first step. Letting Christ permeate our most private relationships and thoughts is a lifelong process. One of the missionary skills Erin has been studying is how to challenge a “pagan worldview” (how a culture in the world views reality) with the worldview of the culture of God. This is a particularly difficult skill to become comfortable with because we as missionaries have to hold up our own cultural worldview to God’s way of seeing reality in order to help another culture do the same. This skill is important because if a person isn’t thinking within the parameters of what God says is real, a person will be hard pressed to make a faith decision concerning those divine realities. What all missionaries ultimately discover is that it is just as painful for a missionary to go through this as it is for a lost person to go through it.
“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32 NKJV
It is absolutely worth it, though!
Brian, Sondra, Noah, & Bryson
Pictured above: Erin teaching ladies about the first family.