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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A National Geographic Moment by Noah & Bryson Davis

(As you read this, hum to yourself the National Geographic song… it makes for a more exciting experience.)
Today we were bored.  It was hot and all of our friends were in school.  But then an idea popped into our heads: let’s go on a safari and catch the wild antlion of Central Africa.  So we set out to find the bug.  They make holes in the sand and wait for ants to fall in.  Then they stick their heads out and pull the ant under devouring him in a horrible way.  We found a whopper which we named, Harold, and put him in a jar of dirt.  It wasn’t long before he had made himself a hole.  We gave him some ants, so he should be happy for awhile.

God Bless,
Noah & Bryson   



While sitting around the camp fire and watching the sun set, forty leaders of the church sang a farewell to me, Noah, and Bryson.  I have known that our new journey is soon to begin, but after some 17 years in Africa, it is a bit surreal.  Christ’s mission, however, is not just a matter for a far away, unknown land; rather, it is a way of life for those of us in His Kingdom.  Sondra, Noah, Bryson, and I are looking forward to serving in that way of life in our new role in the ministry of missions & evangelism at the Hillcrest church of Christ in Abilene, Texas.  We are being privileged the opportunity to continue assisting in the works that mean so much to us both abroad and at home, and for that we are so thankful. 
                Over the next few months, I hope to use the “Missionary Journey” to let you catch a glimpse into the ups and downs of a missionary’s reverse culture shock.  One of the blessings, however, of a return home is the great opportunity to see our loved ones face to face once again!

I will come to you: for I trust to see you in my journey”  Romans 15:24   KJV

Because of Christ,
Brian, Sondra, Noah, & Bryson